Sunday, June 7, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Year Six School Leaving Celebration
On the 26th of May the year six children together with the year seven pupils were invited to school for a farewell ceremony. It started with the celebration of Mass by Fr. Claude parish priest of St. Julian's. Afterwards a small party at school were the children were treated with some finger food and also water games. The day ended with a DVD were the children watched 'Night at the Museum 1' . At the end of the day the children were presented with a bookmark and a small present.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Jiena Kelba.
Jiena kelba li noqgħod fil-kesħa.Dan il-kontinent li noqgħod fih huwa l-Antartika. Il-għamla tiegħi huwa bħala kelb tas-silġ. Is-sid tiegħi jismu Laban. Lili jgħajjtli Hannah. Jien niekol il-ħut ghaliex sidi ħut jaqbad.
Sidi jħobb jgħin lin-nies ta’ madwaru.Wara l-maltempat immur fis-silġ. Jiena immur niġri warajh sabiex insalvaw in-nies.Jiena naf inxomm mhux ħażin u b’hekk inkun naqra ta’ għajnuna għal sidi.
Missek tarana inħaffru sabiex insibu in-nies sabiex insalvawhom. Jiena nxomm u sidi iħaffer. Jiena tgħidx kemm nifraħ meta ninduna li ħadd ma jkun weġġa’. Jiena għandi xogħol tajjeb ħafna li jgħin lin-nies.
Lura lejn id-dar għandi familja sew mhux wisq. Hemm it-tifel ta’ sidi, tgħidx kemm iħobbni. Min-naħa l-oħra t-tifla tiegħu fitta wisq.
It-tifel joqghod ikellimni u jistaqsini x’avventuri kelli ma’ missieru.
Jiena għandi xogħol ieħor ukoll imma din id-darba inferraħ it-tfal. It-tifel ta’ sidi u xi ħbieb tiegħu jaqbdu slitta, jorbtuha miegħi u jiena mmur niġri b’kemm għandi saħħa. Huma jieħdu gost fuq l-islitta.
Meta jasal filgħaxija nieklu l-ħut u wara mmorru norqdu. Jiena mmur fuq soddti ngħidilhom il-lejl it-tajjeb u wara jisimgħuni nonħor.
Kitba ta’ Leona Vella is-Sitt Klassi
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Jiena Ħuta
Jien ħuta ħamra tal-ilma ħelu.
Mhux dejjem ikun l-għajjat tal-klijenti fl-uffiċċju.
Persuna li vera nħobb hija l-mara tad-dentist. Hija tiġi tgħinu. Ġieli toqgħod tkellimni. Jien vera nieħu gost! Ħija ġieli tagħtini niekol ukoll.
Laila Raway
The secret box in my drawer.
Last week it was my tenth birthday. My weird cousin Gwyneth and her mum (my aunt) came to visit me at my house. She gave me a present but I didn’t open it there and then as I was too busy playing with Gwyneth and eating cake.
After my aunt and cousin left, I went to my bedroom to open my present. The present was a cute medium sized blue box. As I opened the box I saw a stick resembling a tree branch Now, I do know that Gwyneth bought it from an antique shop but I thought she was really stupid not to check if the box had anything in it! Yet I didn’t know that my adventure was about to start.
I immediately phoned Gwyneth. I asked her if this was just a prank of hers. She told me that this was no prank of hers. The stick inside the cute blue box is magical and can take you anywhere in the world. Sometime after I took my blue box carrying the magic stick out of my drawer. I wondered if my stick would take me to
A lot of sparks flew around me. Oh, my! I found myself in
By Laila Raway – Year 6