Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Visit by the minister and the college principal
Carnival Masks
On Friday 20th February, both year four classes and the year six class together with the help of the art teacher were successsful in the making of clay masks. First the children started out by watching a powerpoint and some pictures which had to do with carnival and african masks so as to get the idea of what they had to do. The second step was drawing a sketch of the masks they were going to do then it was practical time. The children were given a piece of clay and they had to make their own mask. From such pictures one can see that the children enjoyed themselves very much and managed to do very well.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Hawn sieħbi trid tiltaqa’ ma’ tigra. Kollox sew. Tigra, tigra, tigra isma. Giet it-tigra. Ok. Ok. Tigra ejja ha nlaqqghek ma xark. Ok xark ara ma taghmilx xi hmerija ta. Kollox sew iljun. Isma tigra tridx titkellem max-xark. Trid int? Mhux xorta? Ok man. Ha nhallikom ghax ha mmur nixtri caw.
it-tieni parti .
Hawn puma orrajt. Iva jien tajjeb u int ok. Haw isma rajt lit-tigra? Le ta ma rajtux ta. Haw isma ejja mieghi ha infittuh ? Kollox sew nigi. Il-puma ghinuni. Smajtha dik. Smajt iljun. Puma hawnhekk qieghed fuq sigra. Fejn qieghed fuq is-sigra. Ibqa hemm tiela ghalik ejja nihduk fejn il-mama u l-papa .
Din il-kitba għamluha Zachary, Darren Luke mill-iskola Primarja San Giljan. Is-Sitt sena.
In-Nanniet Tieghi
Fredu, Lela, Edgar u Mary. Hekk jisimhom in-nanniet tieghi. Omm u missier ommi huma Lela u Fredu. Dawn joqogħdu ġo dar sabiħa, fil-qalba tal-Imsida. It-tnejn li huma, kwieti u paċenzjużi. Huma nies li tqatta’ u tiekol minnhom. In-nanna tiegħi għandha xagħarha kannella, qasira u għajnejha kannella wkoll. Il-karneġġjon tagħha huwa ismar. Ma tistħi qatt, imma jekk ikollha żżomm lura milli tgħid kelma żejda ma żżommhiex. In-nannu Fredu għandu tnejn u sittin sena, għalhekk huwa penzjonant. Għandu xagħru griża u għajnejh ħodor. Il-karnġġjon tiegħu huwa bjond. In-nannu ċajtier ħafna. Qatt ma tgħaddi ġurnata li ma tarahx jitbissem. In-nannu u n-nanna Lela u Fredu qatt ma jħalluna b’xejn, dejjem iridu jaraw kif se jaqbdu jikkuntentawna kollha kemm aħna. Kull nhar ta’ ġimgħa niltaqgħu l-familja kollha għandhom u dakinhar in-nanna tlestilna x’nieklu. Omm u missier missieri, Edgar u Mary joqogħdu ħdejna eżatt. Tista tgħid bieb ma’ bieb magħna. In-nanna Mary
għandha xagħarha ‘bob’ kannella bil-“highlights” sofor. Hi għadha żżomm mal-moda u bniedma ferriħija ħafna. In-nanna għandha sittin sena u ma tidirhomx. In-nannu Edgar għandu erbgħa u sittin sena. Qargħi u x-xagħar ta’ madwar rasu griż,għajnejh kannella u għadu jmur jiġġogja s’issa. Tista tgħid li n-nannu jhobb u jżomm ruħu b’saħħtu. In-nannu għandu żewġ fatturi li huma differenti
Sera Jane - Year 6
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
One day after we returned from a class outing our teacher told my best friend Sarah and me to prepare a science lesson together with an experiment.
Obviously we got to work right away. After school that day Sarah came to my house to work on the project.
We looked in my science book so as to get some ideas. We had to be careful what kind of experiment we had to choose as we had to be careful that it won’t be dangerous. Finally after some time we set our minds on an experiment. We were going to decorate a plastic bottle with crocodile feet and hands. After the experiment “Lava/foam” started coming out from its top. One has to mention that foam started to come out when it was mixes with bicarbonate of soda.
We told our classmates what to bring for the experiment so that they could do the experiment with us.
On that day we went to our science classroom, we cleared our desks and together we delivered our lesson. We really had to know what we were doing as the children kept on asking us for help and obviously since we had taken over the class we had to deliver all the problems ourselves.
The lesson was over and we really enjoyed ourselves. I wish that we could do a science lesson everyday.
Laila Raway and Sarah Jane Mangion Year 6
One day I was involved in a traffic accident. I was with my father. We were driving in a dark street. It was raining and the road was wet. The car skidded and crashed into a wall. The people around us were alarmed with fear. The crash was so hard that the wall fell and if the seatbelt and the air bags had not protected us I don’t know what could have happened to me and my father. Someone called 112 for an ambulance. The ambulance came immediately. I was unconscious for a while. We arrived at the hospital and soon we were surrounded by our relatives. We had to stay in hospital for three days. Then we went back home. My family gave us a very big surprise party as a welcome back home feast.
Joseph Galea – Year 6
Sunday, February 8, 2009
More crafts!
Who are we?
The head of school is Mr. A. Micallef and the assistant head is Ms. Pauline Formosa.
Our favourite subject. . . CRAFTS by Year 4.1
Our favourite subject is crafts. We like to do many different things using colours, papers, cardboard and glue. The teacher helps us and encourages us to be creative and original. We did many different things such as windmills, drawings of different things, pencil holders, hand patterns, puppets, Chinese lanterns and so on. We look forward for Wednesday afternoons where we spend one hour doing what we enjoy.