Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Is-Siġar (kitba ta’ Antonio Cachia, year 4/1)

Is-siġar huma ħaġa importanti u aħna għandna bżonn is-siġar. Is-siġar jagħtuna l-ħajja għax kieku aħna mmutu. Is-siġar jagħtuna l-injam, il-frott, il-karti u l-kartun. Aħna fid-dinja għandna ħafna siġar madwarna. Qabel is-siġar meta kienu żgħar kienu xitel. Is-siġar jagħtu dar lill-għasafar.
Is-siġar jimxu skont l-istaġuni u meta tkun ix-xemx jagħmlu d-dell. Is-siġar jagħtuna arja nadifa u aħna għandna nieħdu ħsiebhom ħafna sew.
Huma jagħtu l-weraq għal xi annimali u dak ikun l-ikel għalihom. Is-siġar isebbħu l-ambjent billi tant kemm huma sbieħ. Is-siġar jagħtuna ħafna affarijiet u m’għandniex inkissruhom għax inkunu qed nagħmlu ħafna ħażin.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

malta art twelidi

Malta Art Twelidi  -  Joseph Galea

  Jiena noqgħod ġo gżira ċkejkna f’nofs il-baħar tal-Mediterran . Din il-gżira ċkejkna jisimha Malta. L-eqreb pajjiż ta’ Malta huwa Sqallija. Ghalkemm Malta hija gżira żgħira din għandha l-lingwa tagħha. Din hija lingwa semitika jiġifieri imnissla mill-għarbi . Il-lingwa Maltija fiha ħafna lingwi differenti fiha bħal Franċiż, Taljan u Ingliż. Dawn il-lingwi daħlu għax fi zmien l-imgħoddi Malta għamlet perjodi twal maħkuma  mill-barranin sakemm ma kisbet l-Indipendenza, l-Ħelsien u r-Repubblika. Malta għandha storja kbira sa minn  żmien il-pre-istorja sa żmien l- Ingliżi .L-iMdina hija l-Belt l-antika ta’ Malta.  L-Imdina hi magħrufa bħala belt siekta. Il-belt jew aħjar Valletta hija l-belt kapitali ta’ Malta.Valletta inbniet mill-kavallieri. Il-pjan li tinbena il-belt ħareġ biha La Vallette. Fil-fatt din il-belt hija msemmija għalih.Sittin sena wara Kristu f’Malta twaqqfet għall-ewwel  darba r-Reliġjon Kattolika mill-appostlu San Pawl. F’Malta hawn postijet imsemija ghal San Pawl bħal ngħidu aħna San Pawl il-baħar. Fis-sajf  f’Malta, l-klima hija sħuna u fix-xitwa ftit kiesħa, iżda l-kesħa ma taħqarniex. Bajjiet popolari f’Malta kif ukoll f’Għawdex huma :  Ir-Ramla l-Ħamra f’Għawdex, u l-Aħrax tal-Mellieħa.

Ix-xewqa tiegħi hija li xi darba nsir gwardjan kemm f’Malta u f’Għawdex biex b’hekk inkun nista’ ngħin sabiex ikollna pajjiż aħjar milli hu. Jien bħala ċittadin Malti għandi nagħmel ġieh lil pajjiżi.  

Jackand Jill

Jack and Jill


                                                  One morning Jack and Jill’s

                                        mother wanted to have a cup

                                        of tea. Unfortunatly she didn’t find water

                                        at the house. She asked Jack and

                                        Jill if they could go up the hill to 

                                        get some water from the well.

                                        Jack and Jill got a bucket with 

                                        them to take water with it from

                                        the well. When they got up the 

                                        hill they tied the rope to the

                                        bucket and threw  it  in the well

                                        to get water. When Jack was  

                                        walking down the hill suddenly

                                        he fell with the bucket full of

                                        water and broke his crown. He

                                        went  home to mend his head

                                        with vinegar and brown paper.



                                        Poem of Jack and Jill


                                         Jack and Jill went up the hill

                                         To fetch a pail of water;

                                         Jack fell down and broke his

                                         crown, And Jill came tumbling

                                         after. Up Jack got and home did

                                         trot, As fast as he could caper;

                                         He went to bed to mend his

                                         head With vinegar and brown paper.

By Stas Leontev Year 6


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Traffic Accident

A Traffic Accident - by Joseph Galea Year 6

One day I was in a traffic accident. I was with my father. We were driving in a dark street. it was raining in bucketfuls and the road was very wet and slippery. My father said that it was as if he was driving on soap. Aswe were passing by I could see that the pedestrians and the other drivers were all very cautious and they all looked very alarmed. Suddenly I felt as if we were swirling around. Crash boom bang! That is what I heard. Suddenly I could feel a tricle on my forhead and the warmth of blood coming down my face. The crash was so hard. The wall fell on the front of the car and if it wasn't for the seatbelts and the airbags for sure we would have been seriously hurt. Someone called 112 and in a split of a second both my father and myself were on our way to hospital in an ambulance. For a while I was uncouncious and all I could here was the humming of the sirene and the people talking as if they were miles and miles away. Soon we were rushed to the emergency. Three days passed from the accident and the doctor told us that it was time for us to go home. Luckily all's well that ends well and as soon as we opened the door of our house we could see that all our relatives were there greeting us for such a quickly recory. For sure this is an experience that I will never forget.

Galea Joseph

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Transport  By Leona Vella Year 6



   As you can see there are a lot of types of transport. Like cars,trucks,fire engines, trains and many more. A type of transport is very useful. They can help us too. By going to work,school,shopping and many more. Some transports like a truck are used for work. So they will travel with stuff. We travel with this transport from places to another. Cars and trucks have an engine to work. A car and a truck have several parts,like stearing wheel,seats,wheels and many other pieces.

                                 Malta pajjiżna – Leona Vella



Malta ngħidula pajjiż żgħir,

Xi wħud jgħidula gżira.

Hija imdawra bl-ilma baħar,

Dan insejħulu il-baħar mediterran.

Malta għanda żewġt iħbieb,

Dawn insejħulhom Għawdex u Kemmuna.

Il- lingwa maltija hi sabiha.

Malta għandha ikel tajjeb ħafna,

Lampuka, fenek u ħafna oħra.

Hemm li jgħidu li dawn tajbin għaż-żaqq.

Malta għandha l-għasfur nazzjonali,

Dan jgħidulu l-Merill.

Dan huwa ta’ kulur blu jew kanella.

Imbagħad hemm il-pjanta u s-sigra nazzjonali,

Dawn insejħulhom widnet il-baħar u l-għarar.

Malta huwa pajjiżi u tgħidx kemm inħobbu !